Graphic Designer: How to make money with sales? - Paulo Genivaldo


Are you a talented graphic designer but struggling to turn your passion into profit? The market is full of opportunities for those who know how to explore their creative abilities strategically.

In this article, we will reveal how you can earn money from sales, exploring personalized products, offering freelance services, using social media and much more. Get ready to turn your talent into a real money-making machine!

Who is the Graphic Designer?

A graphic designer is a creative professional who specializes in creating visual concepts, using design software to communicate ideas that inspire, inform and captivate consumers.

They develop layouts and designs for a variety of applications, including advertising, magazines, corporate reports, and more.

With the advent of digital platforms, monetization opportunities for graphic designers have increased exponentially.

Custom products to create and sell every day:

1. Self-adhesive stickers

Self-adhesive stickers are an excellent option for graphic designers who want to diversify their sources of income. They are easy to produce and highly customizable.

You can create everything from decorative stickers to promotional stickers for companies. Platforms like Etsy and Redbubble are great places to start selling these products.

2. Business Cards

Business cards continue to be an essential tool for professionals in all areas. As a graphic designer, you can offer custom business card creation services.

Use differentiated materials and high-quality finishes to stand out in the market. Additionally, consider partnering with local print shops to offer a complete design and printing package.

3. Gift Boxes

Personalized gift boxes are very popular at corporate events, weddings and parties. Creating unique designs for these boxes can be a lucrative source of income.

Invest in good quality materials and explore different shapes and sizes to meet different customer needs.

4. Thank You Cards

Thank you cards are a simple yet powerful gesture and offer an exciting opportunity for graphic designers.

You can create custom designs for special occasions like weddings, birthdays, and corporate events. Selling these cards on online platforms or directly to gift shops can generate a steady income.

5. Digital frames

With the increasing demand for interior decoration, digital frames are becoming increasingly popular. As a graphic designer, you can create different options for each size from A5, A6, A4, A3 and A2.

6. Bags and Totes

Personalized bags and bags are another product that can be highly profitable. From eco-friendly bags to personalized gift bags, there is a constant demand for these items. Collaborating with local stores and offering unique designs can help expand your market.


Work with clients as a freelancer

Working as a freelancer allows you to have complete control over your projects and schedules. To get started, create an online portfolio that highlights your best work and skills. Use platforms like Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr to find potential clients.

Clear communication and on-time delivery are essential to building a good reputation and securing recurring contracts.

Offer your services on websites for designers

There are several online platforms dedicated exclusively to graphic designers, such as 99designs, DesignCrowd, Behance, and Dribbble.

These sites allow you to showcase your portfolio and enter design competitions, offering an effective way to gain visibility and make money. Take advantage of these platforms to expand your network of contacts and acquire new customers.

Take advantage of Social Networks to make direct sales

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting and selling your designs directly to consumers. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest allow you to create a strong and engaged online presence.

Use these platforms to showcase your creative process, share testimonials from satisfied customers, and announce new products. Don't forget to use relevant hashtags to increase your visibility.

Grow your customer base

Growing your customer base is essential to ensure a constant income. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Networking: Attend design events and conferences to meet other professionals and potential clients.
  • Content Marketing: Create a blog or YouTube channel to share design tips and tutorials. This not only attracts visitors but also establishes your authority in the field.
  • Special Offers: Offer discounts or promotional packages to new customers. This can encourage people to try your services.


How to make a lot of money with Graphic Design?

To make a lot of money as a graphic designer, it is essential to diversify your sources of income. This includes selling custom products, offering freelance services, entering design competitions, and using social media platforms to promote your work.

Which area of ​​Graphic Design makes the most money?

Areas such as UX/UI design, branding and advertising tend to be more profitable. These industries often require complex, custom work that clients are willing to pay more for.

What can a graphic designer sell?

A graphic designer can sell a variety of products and services, including stickers, business cards, gift boxes, thank you cards, digital frames, personalized bags, as well as web design services, branding and more.

How much money does a graphic designer make?

A graphic designer's salary can vary widely based on experience, location, and type of work. Freelancers can earn according to the projects they take on, while designers employed in companies can have a fixed salary, which generally varies from R$2,000 to R$8,000 per month, depending on their experience and location.

Where can I sell my designs?

You can sell your designs on platforms like Etsy, Redbubble, Society6, Adobe Stock, Creative Market, and even your own website. Additionally, social networks such as Instagram and Facebook can be used to promote and sell directly to consumers.

Where can a Graphic Designer work?

Graphic designers can work in advertising agencies, marketing companies, publishers, technology companies, startups, among others. Additionally, they can work as freelancers or open their own design studio.

How to grow as a graphic designer?

To grow as a graphic designer, it's important to invest in ongoing education, stay up to date with design trends, build a solid and diverse portfolio, and seek constant feedback. Networking and participating in design communities are also essential.

How to sell designs and win customers?

To sell your designs and win over clients, create a professional portfolio, use social media to promote your work, attend design fairs and events, offer promotions and maintain excellent relationships with your current clients for recommendations.

How to make extra income as a designer?

To make extra income as a graphic designer, consider selling digital products such as templates and graphics, offering design classes or workshops, creating paid content for blogs or YouTube channels, and taking on additional freelance work.


The world of graphic design is full of opportunities for those who know how to explore their creative and strategic skills. Selling personalized products, working as a freelancer, taking advantage of social media and offering services on specialized platforms are just some of the ways to turn your talent into a profitable source of income.

Invest in your portfolio, build a solid network of contacts and never stop learning and adapting to new market trends. With dedication and creativity, you can not only make money but also build a rewarding and successful career.