What is a NFT? - Paulo Genivaldo

NFT illustration

Have you ever heard of NFTs? These three letters have been causing quite a buzz in the digital world lately. But what exactly is an NFT and why is it gaining so much attention?

Get ready to dive into the fascinating universe of NFTs and discover how they are transforming the way we see and interact with art, entertainment and even finance.

What is the meaning of NFT?

NFT is the acronym for "Non-Fungible Token" in English, which translated means "Non-Fungible Token". But what does this really mean?

Basically, an NFT is a special type of cryptographic token that represents ownership or authenticity of a unique digital item, such as a digital artwork, a video, a song, or even a tweet.

What are NFTs?

NFTs are unique and indivisible digital assets that are registered on a blockchain, usually on the Ethereum blockchain. Each NFT has a unique and immutable record that proves its authenticity and ownership.

This means that, unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum, which are interchangeable with each other, each NFT is unique and cannot be replaced with another NFT.

How to make money with NFT?

There are several ways to make money with NFTs. You can create and sell your own NFTs, buy NFTs from other artists and resell them for a higher price, or even earn money through royalties whenever your NFT is resold on the secondary market.

How is an NFT created?

NFT illustration

Creating an NFT can be simpler than you think. All you need is an NFT-compatible cryptocurrency wallet and access to an NFT marketplace platform such as OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation. 

After choosing the platform and setting up your wallet, you can upload your digital item, set the selling parameters and create your NFT.

What is NFT used for?

NFTs have a variety of uses and applications. They are often used to authenticate and trade digital artworks, digital collectibles, music, videos, memes and even tweets. Additionally, NFTs can also be used to represent ownership of real-world assets such as real estate and luxury cars.

What is the most expensive NFT in the world?

The world's most expensive NFT is a digital artwork called "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" by digital artist Beeple, which sold for a staggering millions of dollars in an auction held by auction house Christie's.

Who can create the NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT as long as they have access to an NFT marketplace platform and a compatible cryptocurrency wallet.

There are no specific skill or experience requirements needed to create an NFT, which makes this form of art and expression accessible to everyone.

What is the difference between NFT and cryptocurrencies?

The main difference between NFTs and cryptocurrencies is that cryptocurrencies are fungible, which means that one unit of a cryptocurrency can be exchanged for another unit of the same cryptocurrency with the same value.

On the other hand, NFTs are non-fungible, meaning each NFT is unique and indivisible, with its own unique value.


Is it easy to sell NFT?

Yes, it is relatively easy to sell NFTs on NFT marketplace platforms like OpenSea or Rarible. Simply upload your NFT, set a price, and wait for an interested buyer.

What is the value of creating an NFT?

The cost of creating an NFT can vary depending on the platform you choose and the fees associated with transacting on the Ethereum blockchain. In general, the cost can range from a few dollars to a few tens of dollars.

How to make and sell an NFT?

To make and sell an NFT, you first need to choose an NFT marketplace platform, create a compatible cryptocurrency wallet, upload your digital item, set a price, and wait for an interested buyer.

What type of NFT sells the most?

The most popular NFTs tend to be digital artworks from well-known artists, digital collectibles from popular brands, or rare items from blockchain games.

How to create and sell NFTs on your cell phone?

While it is more common to create and sell NFTs on a desktop computer, some NFT marketplace platforms also offer mobile apps for creating and selling NFTs directly from your cell phone.


NFTs are redefining the way we perceive and value art and digital assets. With their ability to authenticate and trade unique digital items, NFTs are democratizing access to art and creating new revenue opportunities for artists and creators.

Whether you're an aspiring artist, an avid collector, or simply curious, NFTs have something to offer for everyone. So dive into this exciting new world and discover what the future of digital assets has in store for us.